LiVES  2.4.1-svn
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Data Fields
mainwindow Struct Reference

mainw-> More...

#include <mainwindow.h>

Data Fields

char msg [512]
int current_file
int first_free_file
lives_clip_tfiles [MAX_FILES+1]
 +1 for the clipboard More...
char vid_load_dir [PATH_MAX]
char vid_save_dir [PATH_MAX]
char vid_dl_dir [PATH_MAX]
char audio_dir [PATH_MAX]
char image_dir [PATH_MAX]
char proj_load_dir [PATH_MAX]
char proj_save_dir [PATH_MAX]
char recent_file [PATH_MAX]
int untitled_number
int cap_number
int clips_available
LiVESList * cliplist
 hash table of clips in menu order More...
LiVESSList * clips_group
char set_name [256]
 sets More...
boolean faded
boolean double_size
boolean sep_win
boolean fs
boolean loop
boolean loop_cont
boolean ping_pong
boolean mute
boolean must_resize
 fixed playback size in gui; playback plugins have their own fwidth and fheight More...
int audio_start
int audio_end
boolean ext_playback
 using external video playback plugin More...
volatile boolean ext_keyboard
 keyboard codes must be polled from video playback plugin More...
int ptr_x
int ptr_y
double fps_measure
 show fps stats after playback More...
boolean save_with_sound
boolean ccpd_with_sound
boolean selwidth_locked
boolean is_ready
boolean fatal
 got fatal signal More...
boolean opening_loc
 opening location (streaming) More...
boolean dvgrab_preview
boolean switch_during_pb
boolean clip_switched
 for recording - did we switch clips ? More...
boolean record
boolean in_fs_preview
volatile lives_cancel_t cancelled
boolean error
lives_cancel_type_t cancel_type
weed_plant_t * event_list
 current event_list, for recording More...
weed_plant_t * stored_event_list
 stored mt -> clip editor More...
boolean stored_event_list_changed
boolean stored_event_list_auto_changed
boolean stored_layout_save_all_vals
char stored_layout_name [PATH_MAX]
LiVESList * stored_layout_undos
size_t sl_undo_buffer_used
unsigned char * sl_undo_mem
int sl_undo_offset
short endian
int pwidth
 playback width in RGB pixels More...
int pheight
 playback height More...
lives_whentostop_t whentostop
boolean noframedrop
int play_start
int play_end
boolean playing_sel
boolean preview
boolean is_processing
boolean is_rendering
boolean resizing
boolean foreign
 for external window capture More...
boolean record_foreign
boolean t_hidden
uint32_t foreign_key
Window foreign_id
LiVESXWindow * foreign_window
int foreign_width
int foreign_height
int foreign_bpp
char * foreign_visual
boolean nervous
 some VJ effects More...
int num_rendered_effects_builtin
int num_rendered_effects_custom
int num_rendered_effects_test
int last_transition_idx
int last_transition_loops
boolean last_transition_loop_to_fit
boolean last_transition_align_start
boolean last_transition_ins_frames
uint64_t rte
 current max for VJ mode == 64 effects on fg clip More...
uint32_t last_grabbable_effect
int rte_keys
 which effect is bound to keyboard More...
int num_tr_applied
 number of transitions active More...
double blend_factor
 keyboard control parameter More...
int blend_file
int last_blend_file
int scrap_file
 we throw odd sized frames here when recording in real time; used if a source is a generator or stream More...
int ascrap_file
 scrap file for recording audio scraps More...
volatile int playing_file
 which number file we are playing (or -1) More...
int pre_src_file
 video file we were playing before any ext input started More...
int pre_src_audio_file
 audio file we were playing before any ext input started More...
int scr_width
int scr_height
lives_toy_t toy_type
lives_pgid_t toy_alives_pgid
boolean autolives_reset_fx
boolean toy_go_wild
boolean insert_after
boolean with_sound
int sel_start
short sel_move
int prefs_changed
boolean prefs_need_restart
int def_width
 default sizes for when no file is loaded More...
int def_height
int framedraw_frame
 for the framedraw preview - TODO use lives_framedraw_t array More...
char first_info_file [PATH_MAX]
boolean leave_files
boolean was_set
char * file_open_params
 extra parameters for opening special files More...
boolean open_deint
int last_dprint_file
boolean no_switch_dprint
int actual_frame
 actual frame being displayed More...
double aframeno
 and the audio 'frame' for when we are looping More...
double period
 == 1./cfile->pb_fps (unless cfile->pb_fps is 0.) More...
uint64_t startticks
 effective ticks when last frame was (should have been) displayed More...
uint64_t timeout_ticks
 incremented if effect/rendering is paused/previewed More...
uint64_t origsecs
 playback start seconds - subtracted from all other ticks to keep numbers smaller More...
uint64_t origusecs
 usecs at start of playback - ditto More...
uint64_t offsetticks
 offset for external transport More...
uint64_t currticks
 current playback ticks (relative) More...
uint64_t deltaticks
 deltaticks for scratching More...
uint64_t firstticks
 ticks when audio started playing (for non-realtime audio plugins) More...
uint64_t stream_ticks
 ticks since first frame sent to playback plugin More...
uint64_t last_display_ticks
boolean size_warn
 currticks when last display was shown (used for fixed fps) More...
boolean noswitch
int new_clip
int aud_file_to_kill

of audio file to kill on crash

boolean reverse_pb
 used in osc.c More...
boolean osc_block
 TODO - make this a mutex and more finely grained : things we need to block are (clip switches, clip closure, effects on/off, etc) More...
int osc_auto
 bypass user choices automatically More...
int osc_enc_width
 encode width, height and fps set externally More...
int osc_enc_height
float osc_enc_fps
int fixed_fps_numer
 fixed fps playback; usually fixed_fpsd==0. More...
int fixed_fps_denom
double fixed_fpsd
 <=0. means free playback More...
boolean write_vpp_file
 video playback plugin was updated; write settings to a file More...
volatile short scratch
boolean internal_messaging
 internal fx More...
lives_render_error_t(* progress_fn )(boolean reset)
volatile boolean threaded_dialog
double fx1_val
double fx2_val
double fx3_val
double fx4_val
double fx5_val
double fx6_val
int fx1_start
int fx2_start
int fx3_start
int fx4_start
int fx1_step
int fx2_step
int fx3_step
int fx4_step
int fx1_end
int fx2_end
int fx3_end
int fx4_end
boolean fx1_bool
boolean fx2_bool
boolean fx3_bool
boolean fx4_bool
boolean fx5_bool
boolean fx6_bool
boolean effects_paused
boolean did_rfx_preview
uint32_t kb_timer
ulong config_func
ulong pb_fps_func
ulong spin_start_func
ulong spin_end_func
ulong record_perf_func
ulong vidbar_func
ulong laudbar_func
ulong raudbar_func
ulong hrule_func
ulong toy_func_none
ulong toy_func_random_frames
ulong toy_func_lives_tv
ulong toy_func_autolives
ulong hnd_id
ulong loop_cont_func
ulong mute_audio_func
ulong fullscreen_cb_func
ulong sepwin_cb_func
boolean jack_can_stop
boolean jack_can_start
volatile boolean video_seek_ready
ulong mouse_fn1
boolean mouse_blocked
boolean hrule_blocked
int clipstore [FN_KEYS-1]
 stored clips More...
uint32_t ksnoop
 key function for autorepeat ctrl-arrows More...
lives_mt * multitrack
int new_blend_file
LiVESWidget * frame1
LiVESWidget * frame2
LiVESWidget * freventbox0
LiVESWidget * freventbox1
LiVESWidget * playframe
LiVESWidget * pl_eventbox
LiVESPixbuf * imframe
LiVESPixbuf * camframe
LiVESPixbuf * imsep
LiVESWidget * LiVES
LiVESWidget * open
LiVESWidget * open_sel
LiVESWidget * open_vcd_menu
LiVESWidget * open_vcd_submenu
LiVESWidget * open_vcd
LiVESWidget * open_dvd
LiVESWidget * open_loc
LiVESWidget * open_utube
LiVESWidget * open_loc_menu
LiVESWidget * open_loc_submenu
LiVESWidget * open_yuv4m
LiVESWidget * open_lives2lives
LiVESWidget * send_lives2lives
LiVESWidget * open_device_menu
LiVESWidget * open_device_submenu
LiVESWidget * open_firewire
LiVESWidget * open_hfirewire
LiVESWidget * add_live_menu
LiVESWidget * recent_menu
LiVESWidget * recent_submenu
LiVESWidget * recent1
LiVESWidget * recent2
LiVESWidget * recent3
LiVESWidget * recent4
LiVESWidget * save_as
LiVESWidget * backup
LiVESWidget * restore
LiVESWidget * save_selection
LiVESWidget * close
LiVESWidget * import_proj
LiVESWidget * export_proj
LiVESWidget * sw_sound
LiVESWidget * clear_ds
LiVESWidget * ccpd_sound
LiVESWidget * quit
LiVESWidget * undo
LiVESWidget * redo
LiVESWidget * copy
LiVESWidget * cut
LiVESWidget * insert
LiVESWidget * paste_as_new
LiVESWidget * merge
LiVESWidget * xdelete
LiVESWidget * select_submenu
LiVESWidget * select_all
LiVESWidget * select_new
LiVESWidget * select_to_end
LiVESWidget * select_from_start
LiVESWidget * select_start_only
LiVESWidget * select_end_only
LiVESWidget * select_last
LiVESWidget * select_invert
LiVESWidget * lock_selwidth
LiVESWidget * record_perf
LiVESWidget * playall
LiVESWidget * playsel
LiVESWidget * playclip
LiVESWidget * rev_clipboard
LiVESWidget * stop
LiVESWidget * rewind
LiVESWidget * full_screen
LiVESWidget * loop_video
LiVESWidget * loop_continue
LiVESWidget * loop_ping_pong
LiVESWidget * sepwin
LiVESWidget * mute_audio
LiVESWidget * sticky
LiVESWidget * showfct
LiVESWidget * showsubs
LiVESWidget * letter
LiVESWidget * aload_subs
LiVESWidget * load_subs
LiVESWidget * erase_subs
LiVESWidget * fade
LiVESWidget * dsize
LiVESWidget * change_speed
LiVESWidget * capture
LiVESWidget * load_audio
LiVESWidget * load_cdtrack
LiVESWidget * eject_cd
LiVESWidget * recaudio_submenu
LiVESWidget * recaudio_clip
LiVESWidget * recaudio_sel
LiVESWidget * export_submenu
LiVESWidget * export_allaudio
LiVESWidget * export_selaudio
LiVESWidget * append_audio
LiVESWidget * trim_submenu
LiVESWidget * trim_audio
LiVESWidget * trim_to_pstart
LiVESWidget * delaudio_submenu
LiVESWidget * delsel_audio
LiVESWidget * delall_audio
LiVESWidget * ins_silence
LiVESWidget * fade_aud_in
LiVESWidget * fade_aud_out
LiVESWidget * resample_audio
LiVESWidget * resample_video
LiVESWidget * preferences
LiVESWidget * rename
LiVESWidget * toys
LiVESWidget * toy_none
LiVESWidget * toy_random_frames
LiVESWidget * toy_tv
LiVESWidget * toy_autolives
LiVESWidget * show_file_info
LiVESWidget * show_file_comments
LiVESWidget * show_clipboard_info
LiVESWidget * show_messages
LiVESWidget * show_layout_errors
LiVESWidget * sel_label
LiVESAccelGroup * accel_group
LiVESWidget * sep_image
LiVESWidget * hruler
LiVESWidget * vj_menu
LiVESWidget * vj_save_set
LiVESWidget * vj_load_set
LiVESWidget * vj_show_keys
LiVESWidget * rte_defs_menu
LiVESWidget * rte_defs
LiVESWidget * save_rte_defs
LiVESWidget * vj_reset
LiVESWidget * mt_menu
LiVESWidget * troubleshoot
LiVESWidget * export_custom_rfx
LiVESWidget * delete_custom_rfx
LiVESWidget * edit_test_rfx
LiVESWidget * rename_test_rfx
LiVESWidget * delete_test_rfx
LiVESWidget * promote_test_rfx
LiVESWidget * fs_playarea
 for the fileselection preview More...
LiVESWidget * fs_playalign
LiVESWidget * fs_playframe
LiVESWidget * framedraw
 for the framedraw special widget - TODO - use a sub-struct More...
LiVESWidget * framedraw_reset
 the 'redraw' button More...
LiVESWidget * framedraw_preview
 the 'redraw' button More...
LiVESWidget * framedraw_spinbutton
 the frame number button More...
LiVESWidget * framedraw_scale
 the slider More...
LiVESWidget * fd_frame
 surrounding frame widget More...
weed_plant_t * fd_layer_orig
 original layer uneffected More...
weed_plant_t * fd_layer
 framedraw preview layer More...
LiVESWidget * vidbar
LiVESWidget * laudbar
LiVESWidget * raudbar
LiVESWidget * spinbutton_end
LiVESWidget * spinbutton_start
LiVESWidget * arrow1
LiVESWidget * arrow2
lives_cursor_t cursor_style
weed_plant_t * filter_map
weed_plant_t * afilter_map
weed_plant_t * audio_event
void *** pchains
LiVESWidget * play_image
LiVESWidget * play_window
weed_plant_t * frame_layer
weed_plant_t * blend_layer
LiVESWidget * plug
LiVESWidget * preview_box
LiVESWidget * preview_image
LiVESWidget * preview_spinbutton
LiVESWidget * preview_scale
int preview_frame
ulong preview_spin_func
int prv_link
LiVESWidget * start_image
LiVESWidget * end_image
LiVESWidget * playarea
LiVESWidget * hseparator
LiVESWidget * scrolledwindow
LiVESWidget * message_box
LiVESWidget * textview1
LiVESWidget * clipsmenu
LiVESWidget * eventbox
LiVESWidget * eventbox2
LiVESWidget * eventbox3
LiVESWidget * eventbox4
LiVESWidget * eventbox5
LiVESWidget * t_stopbutton
LiVESWidget * t_bckground
LiVESWidget * t_fullscreen
LiVESWidget * t_sepwin
LiVESWidget * t_double
LiVESWidget * t_infobutton
LiVESWidget * t_slower
LiVESWidget * t_faster
LiVESWidget * t_forward
LiVESWidget * t_back
LiVESWidget * t_hide
LiVESWidget * toolbar
LiVESWidget * tb_hbox
LiVESWidget * fs1
LiVESWidget * vbox1
LiVESWidget * volume_scale
LiVESWidget * vol_toolitem
LiVESWidget * vol_label
LiVESWidget * btoolbar
 button toolbar - clip editor More...
LiVESWidget * m_sepwinbutton
LiVESWidget * m_playbutton
LiVESWidget * m_stopbutton
LiVESWidget * m_playselbutton
LiVESWidget * m_rewindbutton
LiVESWidget * m_loopbutton
LiVESWidget * m_mutebutton
LiVESWidget * menu_hbox
LiVESWidget * menubar
int opwx
int opwy
LiVESWidget * preview_controls
LiVESWidget * p_playbutton
LiVESWidget * p_playselbutton
LiVESWidget * p_rewindbutton
LiVESWidget * p_loopbutton
LiVESWidget * p_mutebutton
LiVESWidget * p_mute_img
LiVESWidget * video_draw
LiVESWidget * laudio_draw
LiVESWidget * raudio_draw
lives_painter_surface_t * video_drawable
lives_painter_surface_t * laudio_drawable
lives_painter_surface_t * raudio_drawable
lives_painter_surface_t * blank_laudio_drawable
lives_painter_surface_t * blank_raudio_drawable
LiVESWidget * framebar
LiVESWidget * framecounter
LiVESWidget * spinbutton_pb_fps
LiVESWidget * vps_label
LiVESWidget * curf_label
LiVESWidget * banner
LiVESWidget * effects_menu
LiVESWidget * tools_menu
LiVESWidget * utilities_menu
LiVESWidget * utilities_submenu
LiVESWidget * gens_menu
LiVESWidget * gens_submenu
LiVESWidget * run_test_rfx_submenu
LiVESWidget * run_test_rfx_menu
LiVESWidget * custom_effects_menu
LiVESWidget * custom_effects_submenu
LiVESWidget * custom_effects_separator
LiVESWidget * custom_tools_menu
LiVESWidget * custom_tools_submenu
LiVESWidget * custom_tools_separator
LiVESWidget * custom_gens_menu
LiVESWidget * custom_gens_submenu
LiVESWidget * custom_utilities_menu
LiVESWidget * custom_utilities_submenu
LiVESWidget * custom_utilities_separator
LiVESWidget * rte_separator
LiVESWidget * invis
int num_tracks
int * clip_index
int * frame_index
LiVESWidget * resize_menuitem
boolean only_close
 only close clips - do not exit More...
volatile boolean is_exiting
 set during shutdown (inverse of only_close then) More...
ulong pw_scroll_func
void * jackd
 dummy More...
void * jackd_read
 dummy More...
void * pulsed
void * pulsed_read
LiVESTextBuffer * layout_textbuffer
 stores layout errors More...
LiVESList * affected_layouts_map
 map of layouts with errors More...
LiVESList * current_layouts_map
 map of all layouts for set More...
LiVESList * affected_layout_marks
LiVESList * xlays
 immediately (to be) affected layout maps More...
char * recovery_file
 the filename of our recover file More...
boolean leave_recovery
boolean unordered_blocks
 are we recording unordered blocks ? More...
boolean no_exit
 if TRUE, do not exit after saving set More...
mt_opts multi_opts
 some multitrack options that survive between mt calls More...
int rec_aclip
double rec_avel
double rec_aseek
livespointer do_not_free
 mess with memory so that lives_object_unref can be forced not to free() the pixel_data More...
LiVESMemVTable alt_vtable
void(* free_fn )(livespointer)
pthread_mutex_t gtk_mutex
 gtk drawing mutex - no longer used More...
pthread_mutex_t interp_mutex
 interpolation mutex - parameter interpolation must be single threaded More...
pthread_mutex_t free_fn_mutex
 stop threads squelching each others free_fns More...
pthread_mutex_t abuf_mutex
 used to synch audio buffer request count - shared between audio and video threads More...
pthread_mutex_t abuf_frame_mutex
 used to synch audio buffer for generators More...
pthread_mutex_t data_mutex [FX_KEYS_MAX]
 used to prevent data being connected while it is possibly being updated More...
pthread_mutex_t fxd_active_mutex
 prevent simultaneous writing to active_dummy by audio and video threads More...
pthread_mutex_t event_list_mutex
pthread_mutex_t clip_list_mutex
 prevent simultaneous writing to event_list by audio and video threads More...
volatile lives_rfx_tvrfx_update
 prevent adding/removing to cliplist while another thread could be reading it More...
lives_fx_candidate_t fx_candidates [MAX_FX_CANDIDATE_TYPES]
 effects which can have candidates from which a delegate is selected (current examples are: audio_volume, resize) More...
LiVESList * cached_list
 cache of preferences or file header file (or NULL) More...
FILE * clip_header
LiVESList * file_buffers
float volume
 audio volume level (for jack) More...
int aud_rec_fd
 fd of file we are recording audio to More...
double rec_end_time
int64_t rec_samples
double rec_fps
int rec_vid_frames
int rec_arate
int rec_achans
int rec_asamps
int rec_signed_endian
boolean suppress_dprint
 tidy up, e.g. by blocking "switched to file..." and "closed file..." messages More...
boolean no_recurse
 flag to prevent recursive function calls More...
char * string_constants [NUM_LIVES_STRING_CONSTANTS]
char * any_string
 localised text saying "Any", for encoder and output format More...
char * none_string
 localised text saying "None", for playback plugin name, etc. More...
char * recommended_string
 localised text saying "recommended", for encoder and output format More...
char * disabled_string
 localised text saying "disabled !", for playback plugin name, etc. More...
char * cl_string
 localised text saying "*The current layout*", for layout warnings More...
int opening_frames
 count of frames so far opened, updated after preview (currently) More...
boolean show_procd
 override showing of "processing..." dialog More...
boolean block_param_updates
 block visual param changes from updating real values More...
boolean no_interp
 block interpolation (for single frame previews) More...
weed_timecode_t cevent_tc
 timecode of currently processing event More...
boolean opening_multi
 flag to indicate multiple file selection More...
boolean record_paused
 pause during recording More...
boolean record_starting
 start recording at next frame More...
int img_concat_clip
 when opening multiple, image files can get concatenated here (prefs->concat_images) More...
boolean gen_to_clipboard
 rendered generators More...
boolean is_generating
boolean keep_pre
LiVESWidget * textwidget_focus
 multi-head support More...
boolean ext_cntl [MAX_EXT_CNTL]
 external control inputs More...
weed_plant_t * rte_textparm
 send keyboard input to this paramter (usually NULL) More...
int write_abuf
 audio buffer number to write to (for multitrack) More...
volatile int abufs_to_fill
LiVESWidget * splash_window
LiVESWidget * splash_label
LiVESWidget * splash_progress
boolean recoverable_layout
boolean soft_debug
 for testing More...
LiVESIOChannel * iochan
 encoder text output More...
LiVESTextView * optextview
boolean has_custom_tools
boolean has_custom_gens
boolean has_custom_utilities
boolean decoders_loaded
 decoders More...
LiVESList * decoder_list
boolean go_away
boolean debug
 debug crashes and asserts More...
char * subt_save_file
 name of file to save subtitles to More...
char ** fonts_array
int nfonts
LiVESTargetEntry * target_table
 drag and drop target table More...
LiVESList * videodevs
char vpp_defs_file [PATH_MAX]
int log_fd
boolean jack_trans_poll
int64_t alarms [LIVES_MAX_ALARMS]
int next_free_alarm
volatile int agen_key
 which fx key is generating audio [1 based] (or 0 for none) More...
volatile boolean agen_needs_reinit
uint64_t agen_samps_count
 count of samples since init More...
boolean aplayer_broken
boolean com_failed
boolean write_failed
boolean read_failed
boolean chdir_failed
boolean add_clear_ds_button
boolean add_clear_ds_adv
boolean tried_ds_recover
boolean has_session_tmpdir
boolean startup_error
boolean kb_timer_end
boolean draw_blocked
int ce_frame_height
int ce_frame_width
char * read_failed_file
char * write_failed_file
char * bad_aud_file
lives_render_error_t render_error
uint64_t next_ds_warn_level
 current disk space warning level for the tempdir More...
float sepwin_scale
lives_pconnect_t * pconx
 list of out -> in param connections More...
lives_cconnect_t * cconx
 list of out -> in alpha channel connections More...
int overflow_height
int rowstride_alignment
int rowstride_alignment_hint
int sepwin_minwidth
int sepwin_minheight
uint32_t signal_caught
boolean signals_deferred
boolean ce_thumbs
boolean ce_upd_clip
int n_screen_areas
int active_sa_fx
int active_sa_clips
int active_track_list [MAX_TRACKS]
boolean ext_src_used [MAX_FILES]
lives_decoder_ttrack_decoders [MAX_TRACKS]
int old_active_track_list [MAX_TRACKS]
boolean gen_started_play
boolean fx_is_auto
 used for buffering / feeding audio to video generators More...
int afbuffer_clients
pthread_t * libthread
ulong id
boolean interactive

Detailed Description


Field Documentation

pthread_mutex_t mainwindow::abuf_frame_mutex

used to synch audio buffer for generators

pthread_mutex_t mainwindow::abuf_mutex

used to synch audio buffer request count - shared between audio and video threads

volatile int mainwindow::abufs_to_fill
LiVESAccelGroup* mainwindow::accel_group
int mainwindow::active_sa_clips
int mainwindow::active_sa_fx
int mainwindow::active_track_list[MAX_TRACKS]
int mainwindow::actual_frame

actual frame being displayed

boolean mainwindow::add_clear_ds_adv
boolean mainwindow::add_clear_ds_button
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::add_live_menu
int mainwindow::afbuffer_clients
LiVESList* mainwindow::affected_layout_marks

list of pairs of marks in affected_layouts_map, text between them should be deleted when stored_layout is deleted

LiVESList* mainwindow::affected_layouts_map

map of layouts with errors

weed_plant_t* mainwindow::afilter_map
double mainwindow::aframeno

and the audio 'frame' for when we are looping

volatile int mainwindow::agen_key

which fx key is generating audio [1 based] (or 0 for none)

volatile boolean mainwindow::agen_needs_reinit
uint64_t mainwindow::agen_samps_count

count of samples since init

int64_t mainwindow::alarms[LIVES_MAX_ALARMS]
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::aload_subs
LiVESMemVTable mainwindow::alt_vtable
char* mainwindow::any_string

localised text saying "Any", for encoder and output format

boolean mainwindow::aplayer_broken
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::append_audio
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::arrow1
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::arrow2
int mainwindow::ascrap_file

scrap file for recording audio scraps

int mainwindow::aud_file_to_kill

of audio file to kill on crash

int mainwindow::aud_rec_fd

fd of file we are recording audio to

char mainwindow::audio_dir[PATH_MAX]
int mainwindow::audio_end
weed_plant_t* mainwindow::audio_event
lives_audio_buf_t* mainwindow::audio_frame_buffer

used for buffering / feeding audio to video generators

int mainwindow::audio_start
boolean mainwindow::autolives_reset_fx
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::backup
char* mainwindow::bad_aud_file
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::banner
lives_painter_surface_t* mainwindow::blank_laudio_drawable
lives_painter_surface_t* mainwindow::blank_raudio_drawable
double mainwindow::blend_factor

keyboard control parameter

int mainwindow::blend_file
weed_plant_t* mainwindow::blend_layer
boolean mainwindow::block_param_updates

block visual param changes from updating real values

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::btoolbar

button toolbar - clip editor

LiVESList* mainwindow::cached_list

cache of preferences or file header file (or NULL)

LiVESPixbuf* mainwindow::camframe
lives_cancel_type_t mainwindow::cancel_type
volatile lives_cancel_t mainwindow::cancelled
int mainwindow::cap_number
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::capture
lives_cconnect_t* mainwindow::cconx

list of out -> in alpha channel connections

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::ccpd_sound
boolean mainwindow::ccpd_with_sound
int mainwindow::ce_frame_height
int mainwindow::ce_frame_width
boolean mainwindow::ce_thumbs
boolean mainwindow::ce_upd_clip
weed_timecode_t mainwindow::cevent_tc

timecode of currently processing event

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::change_speed
boolean mainwindow::chdir_failed
char* mainwindow::cl_string

localised text saying "*The current layout*", for layout warnings

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::clear_ds
FILE* mainwindow::clip_header
int* mainwindow::clip_index
pthread_mutex_t mainwindow::clip_list_mutex

prevent simultaneous writing to event_list by audio and video threads

boolean mainwindow::clip_switched

for recording - did we switch clips ?

LiVESList* mainwindow::cliplist

hash table of clips in menu order

int mainwindow::clips_available
LiVESSList* mainwindow::clips_group
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::clipsmenu
int mainwindow::clipstore[FN_KEYS-1]

stored clips

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::close
boolean mainwindow::com_failed
ulong mainwindow::config_func
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::copy
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::curf_label
int mainwindow::current_file
LiVESList* mainwindow::current_layouts_map

map of all layouts for set

uint64_t mainwindow::currticks

current playback ticks (relative)

lives_cursor_t mainwindow::cursor_style
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::custom_effects_menu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::custom_effects_separator
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::custom_effects_submenu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::custom_gens_menu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::custom_gens_submenu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::custom_tools_menu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::custom_tools_separator
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::custom_tools_submenu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::custom_utilities_menu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::custom_utilities_separator
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::custom_utilities_submenu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::cut
pthread_mutex_t mainwindow::data_mutex[FX_KEYS_MAX]

used to prevent data being connected while it is possibly being updated

boolean mainwindow::debug

debug crashes and asserts

LiVESList* mainwindow::decoder_list
boolean mainwindow::decoders_loaded


int mainwindow::def_height
int mainwindow::def_width

default sizes for when no file is loaded

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::delall_audio
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::delaudio_submenu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::delete_custom_rfx
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::delete_test_rfx
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::delsel_audio
uint64_t mainwindow::deltaticks

deltaticks for scratching

boolean mainwindow::did_rfx_preview
char* mainwindow::disabled_string

localised text saying "disabled !", for playback plugin name, etc.

livespointer mainwindow::do_not_free

mess with memory so that lives_object_unref can be forced not to free() the pixel_data

boolean mainwindow::double_size
boolean mainwindow::draw_blocked
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::dsize
boolean mainwindow::dvgrab_preview
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::edit_test_rfx
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::effects_menu
boolean mainwindow::effects_paused
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::eject_cd
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::end_image
short mainwindow::endian
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::erase_subs
boolean mainwindow::error
weed_plant_t* mainwindow::event_list

current event_list, for recording

pthread_mutex_t mainwindow::event_list_mutex
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::eventbox
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::eventbox2
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::eventbox3
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::eventbox4
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::eventbox5
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::export_allaudio
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::export_custom_rfx
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::export_proj
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::export_selaudio
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::export_submenu
boolean mainwindow::ext_cntl[MAX_EXT_CNTL]

external control inputs

volatile boolean mainwindow::ext_keyboard

keyboard codes must be polled from video playback plugin

boolean mainwindow::ext_playback

using external video playback plugin

boolean mainwindow::ext_src_used[MAX_FILES]
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::fade
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::fade_aud_in
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::fade_aud_out
boolean mainwindow::faded
boolean mainwindow::fatal

got fatal signal

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::fd_frame

surrounding frame widget

weed_plant_t* mainwindow::fd_layer

framedraw preview layer

weed_plant_t* mainwindow::fd_layer_orig

original layer uneffected

LiVESList* mainwindow::file_buffers
char* mainwindow::file_open_params

extra parameters for opening special files

lives_clip_t* mainwindow::files[MAX_FILES+1]

+1 for the clipboard

weed_plant_t* mainwindow::filter_map
int mainwindow::first_free_file
char mainwindow::first_info_file[PATH_MAX]
uint64_t mainwindow::firstticks

ticks when audio started playing (for non-realtime audio plugins)

int mainwindow::fixed_fps_denom
int mainwindow::fixed_fps_numer

fixed fps playback; usually fixed_fpsd==0.

double mainwindow::fixed_fpsd

<=0. means free playback

char** mainwindow::fonts_array
boolean mainwindow::foreign

for external window capture

int mainwindow::foreign_bpp
int mainwindow::foreign_height
Window mainwindow::foreign_id
uint32_t mainwindow::foreign_key
char* mainwindow::foreign_visual
int mainwindow::foreign_width
LiVESXWindow* mainwindow::foreign_window
double mainwindow::fps_measure

show fps stats after playback

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::frame1
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::frame2
int* mainwindow::frame_index
weed_plant_t* mainwindow::frame_layer
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::framebar
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::framecounter
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::framedraw

for the framedraw special widget - TODO - use a sub-struct

the eventbox

int mainwindow::framedraw_frame

for the framedraw preview - TODO use lives_framedraw_t array

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::framedraw_preview

the 'redraw' button

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::framedraw_reset

the 'redraw' button

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::framedraw_scale

the slider

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::framedraw_spinbutton

the frame number button

void(* mainwindow::free_fn)(livespointer)
pthread_mutex_t mainwindow::free_fn_mutex

stop threads squelching each others free_fns

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::freventbox0
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::freventbox1
boolean mainwindow::fs
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::fs1
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::fs_playalign
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::fs_playarea

for the fileselection preview

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::fs_playframe
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::full_screen
ulong mainwindow::fullscreen_cb_func
boolean mainwindow::fx1_bool
int mainwindow::fx1_end
int mainwindow::fx1_start
int mainwindow::fx1_step
double mainwindow::fx1_val
boolean mainwindow::fx2_bool
int mainwindow::fx2_end
int mainwindow::fx2_start
int mainwindow::fx2_step
double mainwindow::fx2_val
boolean mainwindow::fx3_bool
int mainwindow::fx3_end
int mainwindow::fx3_start
int mainwindow::fx3_step
double mainwindow::fx3_val
boolean mainwindow::fx4_bool
int mainwindow::fx4_end
int mainwindow::fx4_start
int mainwindow::fx4_step
double mainwindow::fx4_val
boolean mainwindow::fx5_bool
double mainwindow::fx5_val
boolean mainwindow::fx6_bool
double mainwindow::fx6_val
lives_fx_candidate_t mainwindow::fx_candidates[MAX_FX_CANDIDATE_TYPES]

effects which can have candidates from which a delegate is selected (current examples are: audio_volume, resize)

boolean mainwindow::fx_is_auto
pthread_mutex_t mainwindow::fxd_active_mutex

prevent simultaneous writing to active_dummy by audio and video threads

boolean mainwindow::gen_started_play
boolean mainwindow::gen_to_clipboard

rendered generators

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::gens_menu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::gens_submenu
boolean mainwindow::go_away
pthread_mutex_t mainwindow::gtk_mutex

gtk drawing mutex - no longer used

boolean mainwindow::has_custom_gens
boolean mainwindow::has_custom_tools
boolean mainwindow::has_custom_utilities
boolean mainwindow::has_session_tmpdir
ulong mainwindow::hnd_id
boolean mainwindow::hrule_blocked
ulong mainwindow::hrule_func
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::hruler
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::hseparator
ulong mainwindow::id
char mainwindow::image_dir[PATH_MAX]
LiVESPixbuf* mainwindow::imframe
int mainwindow::img_concat_clip

when opening multiple, image files can get concatenated here (prefs->concat_images)

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::import_proj
LiVESPixbuf* mainwindow::imsep
boolean mainwindow::in_fs_preview
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::ins_silence
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::insert
boolean mainwindow::insert_after
boolean mainwindow::interactive
boolean mainwindow::internal_messaging

internal fx

pthread_mutex_t mainwindow::interp_mutex

interpolation mutex - parameter interpolation must be single threaded

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::invis
LiVESIOChannel* mainwindow::iochan

encoder text output

volatile boolean mainwindow::is_exiting

set during shutdown (inverse of only_close then)

boolean mainwindow::is_generating
boolean mainwindow::is_processing
boolean mainwindow::is_ready
boolean mainwindow::is_rendering
boolean mainwindow::jack_can_start
boolean mainwindow::jack_can_stop
boolean mainwindow::jack_trans_poll
void* mainwindow::jackd


void* mainwindow::jackd_read


uint32_t mainwindow::kb_timer
boolean mainwindow::kb_timer_end
boolean mainwindow::keep_pre
uint32_t mainwindow::ksnoop

key function for autorepeat ctrl-arrows

int mainwindow::last_blend_file
uint64_t mainwindow::last_display_ticks
int mainwindow::last_dprint_file
uint32_t mainwindow::last_grabbable_effect
boolean mainwindow::last_transition_align_start
int mainwindow::last_transition_idx
boolean mainwindow::last_transition_ins_frames
boolean mainwindow::last_transition_loop_to_fit
int mainwindow::last_transition_loops
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::laudbar
ulong mainwindow::laudbar_func
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::laudio_draw
lives_painter_surface_t* mainwindow::laudio_drawable
LiVESTextBuffer* mainwindow::layout_textbuffer

stores layout errors

boolean mainwindow::leave_files
boolean mainwindow::leave_recovery
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::letter
pthread_t* mainwindow::libthread
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::LiVES
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::load_audio
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::load_cdtrack
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::load_subs
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::lock_selwidth
int mainwindow::log_fd
boolean mainwindow::loop
boolean mainwindow::loop_cont
ulong mainwindow::loop_cont_func
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::loop_continue
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::loop_ping_pong
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::loop_video
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::m_loopbutton
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::m_mutebutton
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::m_playbutton
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::m_playselbutton
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::m_rewindbutton
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::m_sepwinbutton
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::m_stopbutton
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::menu_hbox
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::menubar
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::merge
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::message_box
lives_mgeometry_t* mainwindow::mgeom

multi-head support

boolean mainwindow::mouse_blocked
ulong mainwindow::mouse_fn1
char mainwindow::msg[512]
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::mt_menu
mt_opts mainwindow::multi_opts

some multitrack options that survive between mt calls

lives_mt* mainwindow::multitrack
boolean mainwindow::must_resize

fixed playback size in gui; playback plugins have their own fwidth and fheight

boolean mainwindow::mute
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::mute_audio
ulong mainwindow::mute_audio_func
int mainwindow::n_screen_areas
boolean mainwindow::nervous

some VJ effects

int mainwindow::new_blend_file
int mainwindow::new_clip
uint64_t mainwindow::next_ds_warn_level

current disk space warning level for the tempdir

int mainwindow::next_free_alarm
int mainwindow::nfonts
boolean mainwindow::no_exit

if TRUE, do not exit after saving set

boolean mainwindow::no_interp

block interpolation (for single frame previews)

boolean mainwindow::no_recurse

flag to prevent recursive function calls

boolean mainwindow::no_switch_dprint
boolean mainwindow::noframedrop
char* mainwindow::none_string

localised text saying "None", for playback plugin name, etc.

boolean mainwindow::noswitch

set to TRUE during frame load/display operation. If TRUE we should not switch clips, close the current clip, or call load_frame_image()

int mainwindow::num_rendered_effects_builtin
int mainwindow::num_rendered_effects_custom
int mainwindow::num_rendered_effects_test
int mainwindow::num_tr_applied

number of transitions active

int mainwindow::num_tracks
uint64_t mainwindow::offsetticks

offset for external transport

int mainwindow::old_active_track_list[MAX_TRACKS]
boolean mainwindow::only_close

only close clips - do not exit

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::open
boolean mainwindow::open_deint
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::open_device_menu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::open_device_submenu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::open_dvd
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::open_firewire
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::open_hfirewire
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::open_lives2lives
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::open_loc
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::open_loc_menu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::open_loc_submenu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::open_sel
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::open_utube
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::open_vcd
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::open_vcd_menu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::open_vcd_submenu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::open_yuv4m
int mainwindow::opening_frames

count of frames so far opened, updated after preview (currently)

boolean mainwindow::opening_loc

opening location (streaming)

boolean mainwindow::opening_multi

flag to indicate multiple file selection

LiVESTextView* mainwindow::optextview
int mainwindow::opwx
int mainwindow::opwy
uint64_t mainwindow::origsecs

playback start seconds - subtracted from all other ticks to keep numbers smaller

uint64_t mainwindow::origusecs

usecs at start of playback - ditto

int mainwindow::osc_auto

bypass user choices automatically

boolean mainwindow::osc_block

TODO - make this a mutex and more finely grained : things we need to block are (clip switches, clip closure, effects on/off, etc)

float mainwindow::osc_enc_fps
int mainwindow::osc_enc_height
int mainwindow::osc_enc_width

encode width, height and fps set externally

int mainwindow::overflow_height
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::p_loopbutton
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::p_mute_img
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::p_mutebutton
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::p_playbutton
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::p_playselbutton
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::p_rewindbutton
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::paste_as_new
ulong mainwindow::pb_fps_func
void** * mainwindow::pchains
lives_pconnect_t* mainwindow::pconx

list of out -> in param connections

double mainwindow::period

== 1./cfile->pb_fps (unless cfile->pb_fps is 0.)

int mainwindow::pheight

playback height

boolean mainwindow::ping_pong
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::pl_eventbox
int mainwindow::play_end
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::play_image
int mainwindow::play_start
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::play_window
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::playall
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::playarea
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::playclip
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::playframe
volatile int mainwindow::playing_file

which number file we are playing (or -1)

boolean mainwindow::playing_sel
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::playsel
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::plug
int mainwindow::pre_src_audio_file

audio file we were playing before any ext input started

int mainwindow::pre_src_file

video file we were playing before any ext input started

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::preferences
int mainwindow::prefs_changed
boolean mainwindow::prefs_need_restart
boolean mainwindow::preview
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::preview_box
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::preview_controls
int mainwindow::preview_frame
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::preview_image
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::preview_scale
ulong mainwindow::preview_spin_func
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::preview_spinbutton
lives_render_error_t(* mainwindow::progress_fn)(boolean reset)
char mainwindow::proj_load_dir[PATH_MAX]
char mainwindow::proj_save_dir[PATH_MAX]
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::promote_test_rfx
int mainwindow::prv_link
int mainwindow::ptr_x
int mainwindow::ptr_y
void* mainwindow::pulsed
void* mainwindow::pulsed_read
ulong mainwindow::pw_scroll_func
int mainwindow::pwidth

playback width in RGB pixels

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::quit
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::raudbar
ulong mainwindow::raudbar_func
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::raudio_draw
lives_painter_surface_t* mainwindow::raudio_drawable
boolean mainwindow::read_failed
char* mainwindow::read_failed_file
int mainwindow::rec_achans
int mainwindow::rec_aclip
int mainwindow::rec_arate
int mainwindow::rec_asamps
double mainwindow::rec_aseek
double mainwindow::rec_avel
double mainwindow::rec_end_time
double mainwindow::rec_fps
int64_t mainwindow::rec_samples
int mainwindow::rec_signed_endian
int mainwindow::rec_vid_frames
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::recaudio_clip
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::recaudio_sel
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::recaudio_submenu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::recent1
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::recent2
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::recent3
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::recent4
char mainwindow::recent_file[PATH_MAX]
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::recent_menu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::recent_submenu
char* mainwindow::recommended_string

localised text saying "recommended", for encoder and output format

boolean mainwindow::record
boolean mainwindow::record_foreign
boolean mainwindow::record_paused

pause during recording

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::record_perf
ulong mainwindow::record_perf_func
boolean mainwindow::record_starting

start recording at next frame

boolean mainwindow::recoverable_layout
char* mainwindow::recovery_file

the filename of our recover file

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::redo
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::rename
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::rename_test_rfx
lives_render_error_t mainwindow::render_error
lives_rfx_t* mainwindow::rendered_fx
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::resample_audio
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::resample_video
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::resize_menuitem
boolean mainwindow::resizing
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::restore
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::rev_clipboard
boolean mainwindow::reverse_pb

used in osc.c

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::rewind
int mainwindow::rowstride_alignment
int mainwindow::rowstride_alignment_hint
uint64_t mainwindow::rte

current max for VJ mode == 64 effects on fg clip

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::rte_defs
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::rte_defs_menu
int mainwindow::rte_keys

which effect is bound to keyboard

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::rte_separator
weed_plant_t* mainwindow::rte_textparm

send keyboard input to this paramter (usually NULL)

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::run_test_rfx_menu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::run_test_rfx_submenu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::save_as
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::save_rte_defs
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::save_selection
boolean mainwindow::save_with_sound
int mainwindow::scr_height
int mainwindow::scr_width
int mainwindow::scrap_file

we throw odd sized frames here when recording in real time; used if a source is a generator or stream

volatile short mainwindow::scratch
lives_screen_area_t* mainwindow::screen_areas
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::scrolledwindow
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::sel_label
short mainwindow::sel_move
int mainwindow::sel_start
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::select_all
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::select_end_only
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::select_from_start
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::select_invert
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::select_last
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::select_new
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::select_start_only
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::select_submenu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::select_to_end
boolean mainwindow::selwidth_locked
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::send_lives2lives
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::sep_image
boolean mainwindow::sep_win
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::sepwin
ulong mainwindow::sepwin_cb_func
int mainwindow::sepwin_minheight
int mainwindow::sepwin_minwidth
float mainwindow::sepwin_scale
char mainwindow::set_name[256]


LiVESWidget* mainwindow::show_clipboard_info
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::show_file_comments
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::show_file_info
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::show_layout_errors
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::show_messages
boolean mainwindow::show_procd

override showing of "processing..." dialog

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::showfct
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::showsubs
uint32_t mainwindow::signal_caught
boolean mainwindow::signals_deferred
boolean mainwindow::size_warn

currticks when last display was shown (used for fixed fps)

warn the user that incorrectly sized frames were found

size_t mainwindow::sl_undo_buffer_used
unsigned char* mainwindow::sl_undo_mem
int mainwindow::sl_undo_offset
boolean mainwindow::soft_debug

for testing

ulong mainwindow::spin_end_func
ulong mainwindow::spin_start_func
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::spinbutton_end
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::spinbutton_pb_fps
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::spinbutton_start
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::splash_label
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::splash_progress
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::splash_window
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::start_image
uint64_t mainwindow::startticks

effective ticks when last frame was (should have been) displayed

boolean mainwindow::startup_error
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::sticky
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::stop
weed_plant_t* mainwindow::stored_event_list

stored mt -> clip editor

boolean mainwindow::stored_event_list_auto_changed
boolean mainwindow::stored_event_list_changed
char mainwindow::stored_layout_name[PATH_MAX]
boolean mainwindow::stored_layout_save_all_vals
LiVESList* mainwindow::stored_layout_undos
uint64_t mainwindow::stream_ticks

ticks since first frame sent to playback plugin

char* mainwindow::string_constants[NUM_LIVES_STRING_CONSTANTS]
char* mainwindow::subt_save_file

name of file to save subtitles to

boolean mainwindow::suppress_dprint

tidy up, e.g. by blocking "switched to file..." and "closed file..." messages

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::sw_sound
boolean mainwindow::switch_during_pb
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::t_back
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::t_bckground
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::t_double
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::t_faster
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::t_forward
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::t_fullscreen
boolean mainwindow::t_hidden
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::t_hide
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::t_infobutton
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::t_sepwin
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::t_slower
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::t_stopbutton
LiVESTargetEntry* mainwindow::target_table

drag and drop target table

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::tb_hbox
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::textview1
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::textwidget_focus
volatile boolean mainwindow::threaded_dialog
uint64_t mainwindow::timeout_ticks

incremented if effect/rendering is paused/previewed

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::toolbar
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::tools_menu
lives_pgid_t mainwindow::toy_alives_pgid
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::toy_autolives
ulong mainwindow::toy_func_autolives
ulong mainwindow::toy_func_lives_tv
ulong mainwindow::toy_func_none
ulong mainwindow::toy_func_random_frames
boolean mainwindow::toy_go_wild
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::toy_none
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::toy_random_frames
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::toy_tv
lives_toy_t mainwindow::toy_type
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::toys
lives_decoder_t* mainwindow::track_decoders[MAX_TRACKS]
boolean mainwindow::tried_ds_recover
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::trim_audio
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::trim_submenu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::trim_to_pstart
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::troubleshoot
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::undo
boolean mainwindow::unordered_blocks

are we recording unordered blocks ?

int mainwindow::untitled_number
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::utilities_menu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::utilities_submenu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::vbox1
char mainwindow::vid_dl_dir[PATH_MAX]
char mainwindow::vid_load_dir[PATH_MAX]
char mainwindow::vid_save_dir[PATH_MAX]
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::vidbar
ulong mainwindow::vidbar_func
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::video_draw
lives_painter_surface_t* mainwindow::video_drawable
volatile boolean mainwindow::video_seek_ready
LiVESList* mainwindow::videodevs
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::vj_load_set
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::vj_menu
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::vj_reset
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::vj_save_set
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::vj_show_keys
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::vol_label
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::vol_toolitem
float mainwindow::volume

audio volume level (for jack)

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::volume_scale
_vid_playback_plugin* mainwindow::vpp
char mainwindow::vpp_defs_file[PATH_MAX]
LiVESWidget* mainwindow::vps_label
volatile lives_rfx_t* mainwindow::vrfx_update

prevent adding/removing to cliplist while another thread could be reading it

boolean mainwindow::was_set
lives_whentostop_t mainwindow::whentostop
boolean mainwindow::with_sound
int mainwindow::write_abuf

audio buffer number to write to (for multitrack)

boolean mainwindow::write_failed
char* mainwindow::write_failed_file
boolean mainwindow::write_vpp_file

video playback plugin was updated; write settings to a file

LiVESWidget* mainwindow::xdelete
LiVESList* mainwindow::xlays

immediately (to be) affected layout maps

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: